The Finesse is a precision engineered bench-top rotary microtome with electronic advance, manual or motorised cutting and a separate control unit that can be sited either on the microtome or on the bench beside it. The Finesse has been designed for general laboratory use. It can be used to section wax, plastic and resin embedded specimens.
Special design features of the Finesse include:
i section cutting down to 0.5μm thickness
ii fixed knife position with sectioning performance maintained over full specimen travel
iii handwheel braking in any position
iv optional specimen retraction
v high speed advance and rewind control
vi fine advance and rewind control
vii automatic start positioning for specimen trimming
viii section counting
ix distance travelled display
x backlight to aid accurate specimen positioning at the knife
xi control unit that can be used on the microtome or on the bench
xii removable debris tray
xiii tray for tool and specimen storage
xiv programmable ‘rocking’ feature
xv motorised cutting with speed indication
xvi footswitch supplied for optional use
The Finesse microtome can be used with the following knife holders, in addition to a comprehensive range of accessories from our catalogue:
i solid knife holder
ii disposable blade holder (low and high profile variants)
iii triangular glass knife holder
iv Ralph glass knife holders for 25 and 38mm knives