Drand Med LLC
- 15555 E Coffee Creek Road, Luther, Oklahoma, United States (US)
Store is closed
Weekly Store Timing
OsteoMed KobyGard System 380-0000 w/ 380-0011, 380-0012, 380-0013, 380-0014
Osteon Hall Drill Set w/ Hose and Burrs
Osteotech Graft Preparation Instruments 2001001
Osypka Medical PACE 203 External Dual Chamber Pacemaker With Case (A1-4)
Otto Bock 480E CPM Knee CPM -Continuous passive motion
Otto Bock 480E CPM Knee CPM -Continuous passive motion
Oxford Teca Synergy Stimulator Control Box W/ Wand
Panasonic EJ-MLB26
Panda Baby Warmer Ohmeda
Parcus 10365
PARI SmartTouch Pediatric Vortex Masks 3 YR Frog Mask (MASK ONLY) (A3-3)
Parker Labs Thermasonic Ultrasound Gel Warmer High Med Low Display